How To Group Columns in Google Sheets (Easy 2024 Guide)


Why do you group columns in Google Sheets? Grouping columns in Google Sheets is a great way to organize your spreadsheet and make it easier to navigate. You can do this by selecting your cells and then going to “View” > “Group” in the menu bar. This differs from merging cells because it allows you to expand and contract the grouped cells.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to group rows and columns in Google Sheets, expand and collapse groups, and ungroup a grouped set of columns or rows.

Read on to learn more.

How To Group Columns In Google Sheets

Using the View Menu

While you cannot group rows and columns simultaneously, you can group them individually using the following method, similar to adding columns. Here’s how to group cells in Google Sheets:

  1. Highlight the selected rows or columns you want to group, as seen in the screenshot below.
Group columns in Google Sheets—Highlight the columns or rows you wish to group.
  1. Navigate to “View” > “Group” and click on the “Group” option.
Navigate to View > Group and click on Group
  1. Select whether you want to group the rows or columns from the pop-up menu
Select whether you want to group the rows or columns from the pop-up menu

Once you have selected your preferred grouping choice, a minus button will appear to the right, letting you expand and contract the group. You can even have Google Sheets group your data into multiple columns.

The minus button representing which columns to group.

Using the Right-Click Menu

You can also group columns in Google Sheets using the right-click menu. However, this method only works if you select an entire row or column.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Select the columns or rows you want to group.
  2. Right-click on the selection to open the right-click menu.
Right-click menu on Google Sheets.
  1. Scroll down and choose “View more column options.”
View more column options in Google Sheets.
  1. Select “Group Column.”

This will group your entire column. After that, you can expand or collapse the grouped column using the minus button at the top.

Group column in Google Sheets with minus button

Using a Keyboard Shortcut to Group Columns in Google Sheets

A quicker way to group columns in Google Sheets is by using the keyboard shortcut. Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the range you want to group.
Group columns in Google Sheets—Highlight the columns or rows you wish to group.
  1. Press Alt + Shift + -> (right arrow key) on Windows or Option + Shift + -> on a Mac.
  2. Choose how you want to group the columns in the small pop-up menu.
Choosing your preferred group in the pop-up menu.

This method works on all alternate browsers, such as Safari and Chrome.

Extended Guide: How to Group Columns in Google Sheets

This guide primarily covers grouping columns, but the method of grouping rows is the same as grouping columns in Google Sheets!

I will use the following sample dataset to demonstrate how to group in Google Sheets. As you can see, I have sales data displayed by month.

Dataset to group columns

This dataset could be better organized and more accessible if I group the months into quarters. So, let me walk you through the steps below:

Organizing the Data

Before learning how to group columns in Google Sheets, it is a good idea to add columns to create divider columns for each quarter of the year. This will help you understand what each column group refers to when collapsed.

Here’s how to create the divider columns:

  1. Right-click on the column where you want to insert a new column.
  2. Click on the “Insert 1 column left option.”
Click on the option Insert 1 left.

Note: This is an optional step. I am showing it here to clarify the process. You don’t have to insert a column to make the grouping possible.

Your sheet will now look like the image below:

Column inserted with diver columns.

Group Columns in Google Sheets

Once your dataset is organized and ready, you can follow the steps below to group columns in Google Sheets according to the column value:

  1. Select the columns you want in a single group.
    • In this case, I want to group columns C to E (for the months Jan, Feb and March). Therefore, I must select the entire range of columns C: E by selecting the column headers.
Select the columns you want to group
  1. Right-click on your selection and select “Group columns C-E” from the context menu that appears.
    Group column C to E
  2. This will group the columns C: E.
    • You should see a minus icon (to collapse the row) at the column header to the group’s left.
Minus icon to collapse the columns in Google Sheets
  1. Repeat this process for columns G: I, K: M, and O: Q
    Repeat the process to group all the columns

The minus icon at the top of each group is accompanied by a line spanning the columns. This represents a part of the group, making it easier to see which columns come under the group.

Line that indicates how many columns are grouped

NOTE: Remember you can also apply the same steps when grouping rows in Google Sheets.

Collapsing and Expanding Groups

Once your columns are grouped, Google Sheets can collapse the rows and columns with ease. Follow the steps below to learn how to collapse columns in Google Sheets:

  1. Click on the minus icon that appears on top of a column group.
    • This hides the columns in its group, which you can expand by clicking the plus toggle (+).
Collapsing the grouped columns

2. If you want to expand the columns, click the plus icon (+). The grouped columns will once again become visible.

Clicking on the minus icon expand the columns and make it visible

If your worksheet has multiple groups of columns, it might become tiresome to expand or collapse all of them.

In that case, I would expand all the groups by right-clicking on any plus icon (+) and then clicking on “Expand all column groups” from the context menu that appears.

Expand all column groups option.

Similarly, you can collapse all groups by right-clicking on any minus icon (-) for any group by clicking on “Collapse all column groups” from the context menu that appears.

Collapse all column groups option.

How To Create Multiple Layers of Grouped Columns or Rows

In the above example, I grouped the columns based on just one layer (grouped months according to quarters). However, what if I further organize the quarters into years? For this, I can add another layer of grouping. Keep reading to learn how.

Once again, before starting to group the columns in this example, it is a good idea to create divider columns for each year, as shown in the image below.

Divider column for each year

Note: In the dataset, there is only data for one year, so grouping by year, in this case, would not be applicable. However, I have decided to go with just one year for simplicity and clarity of view.

Once your dataset is organized and ready, you can follow the steps below to add another layer of grouping to your columns, this time grouping the groups of quarters into a year:

  1. Expand all groups that you created before.
    Expand all groups
  2. Select all the columns (or groups of columns) you want to include in the new group.
    • In my example, I selected columns C to R.
      Select all the columns you want to group
  1. Right-click on any of the selected cells.
  2. Click on the “Group columns C-R” option from the context menu that appears.
    Group column C to R
  3. This will group the columns C: R.
    • You will now have two grouping layers, which you can see on the gray stripe on top of all the column headers.
      Two layers of grouping
  1. Repeat this process if you want to group other groups of columns, too.

Notice the gray area has a new minus icon on top of the previous layer of minus/plus icons:

Both layers expanded

This icon is accompanied by a line that spans over the columns that are part of its group, so it is easy to see which columns (or groups of columns) come under the group.

The first (or top-most) layer will be the larger group. When you collapse it, all the quarter’s columns will get hidden. The layers under this will be the sub-groups of columns.

Plus icon for all groups

You can further group and sub-group the columns as needed and see how all your columns have been grouped in the grey area on top.

Why Ungroup Rows and Columns In Google Sheets?

If you have grouped some rows and columns but you no longer need them grouped, you also have the option to ungroup rows and columns. This will allow you to see your full dataset without any restrictions. You will, of course, need to scroll through your specific data, which can be time-consuming when managing large datasets.

How To Ungroup Columns and Rows In Google Sheets

There may be times when you need to ungroup a set of grouped columns. In that case, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click the plus /minus icon on the group you want to ungroup.
  2. Select the Remove group” option from the context menu that appears.
    Remove Group option in Google Sheets

If you want to ungroup multiple column groups (that are contiguous), then you can select the column headers for all the columns (in all your required groups). Then, follow the same steps as 1 and 2 above.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Google Spreadsheet Collapse Rows?

Yes. To collapse rows in Google Sheets:

  1. Select the rows by right-clicking on them
  2. Use the minus (-) sign to collapse.

Can  You Group Columns in Google Sheets?

Yes. You can group columns in Google Sheets by highlighting the range you want to collapse. Then, click “View” > “Group.”

Why Use Grouped Rows and Columns in Google Sheets?

Since there is already an option to hide or unhide columns in Google Sheets, you might think, what’s the point of having a separate feature to group/ungroup sheets?

Both have more or less similar results. However, grouping in Google Sheets is useful because:

  1. You can use it to keep your data more organized and readable.
  2. You can group cells in Google Sheets at different levels. You can hide/unhide groups and sub-groups as required. Even after you accidentally close and have to reopen a tab.
  3. You can expand and contract parts of your worksheet so it looks neater.

Wrapping Up How to Group Columns in Google Sheets

This tutorial shows you how to group columns in Google Sheets. I also covered how to expand and collapse them and create multiple layers and levels of grouping for a more organized worksheet that is easy to navigate.

If you want to learn more about Google Sheets and all its functions, check out this online basic to advanced practical course that covers basic and advanced functions.

I hope you found this guide helpful. Please leave your comments below if you have any questions.

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Fact Checked By Cindy Wong

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